Opening Hours : Mon - Sat : 8.30 to 16.00

Call Us: 07662-405197

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About Our Society

Kisan Samriddhi Credit Co-operative Society is a co-operative with a cause that is dedicated to meeting the financial needs of the most underserved. Kisan Credit is a livelihood generating cooperative that links socially conscious depositors with entrepreneurs. Kisan Credit is a mission-driven, membership cooperative to dramatically increase credit availability for those in need. Kisan Credit is driven by both social values and sound business practices that appeal to both ends of the spectrum—depositors and loan recipients. Kisan Credit is an innovative system of partnerships between community members, individual depositors, institutional lenders, and grassroots institutions.

Kisan Credit is a socially and environmentally conscious credit and finance program for individuals and financial institutions. Kisan Credit focuses sharply on reducing vulnerability and on increasing opportunity for households with limited economic resources by helping with credit, savings, insurance- at affordable prices, in a convenient manner and with dignity for clients.

Our Vision

To make financial services universally available; to promote poverty alleviation through the development of a strong, sustainable economic infrastructure using financially sound market mechanisms.

Our Mission

Linking the promotion of sustainable livelihoods with income-generation activities for the community. Ensure that all members follow the democratic way of making policies and electing representatives and have an equal voice. Ensure that all profits are controlled democratically by members and for their benefit. Enhance accessibility of financial services.

Our Ethical Values:

Openness – In a constantly evolving economy and society, openness in work structure and working methodologies are important means for self discovery. Honesty – We are honest about what we do and the way we do it. Social Responsibility – We encourage people to take responsibility for their own community, and work together to improve it.

Our Objectives

Inculcate good habits of savings in the cooperative members. Focus on poor, low income and deprived people of the community, especially women who have no accessibility to any financial institutions. Provide opportunities to people to organize services collectively by pooling their resources without depending upon the government or other agencies. Seek active participation of all members without any kind of social, racial, political, gender or religious discrimination. Provide education, training and information to develop their members as well as their staff. Enhance women’s participation and decision in policy making-processes at all levels.

Co-operative Society:

Self-help – We believe in helping people to help themselves to grow and achieve economic and social independence. Self-responsibility – We take responsibility for, and encourage our members to be responsible for their actions, as well. Equality – All members are equal in Kisan CREDIT, irrespective of their monetary standings. Equity – We conduct our businesses in a fair and unbiased way. Democracy – Our Members have a say in the way we run our businesses. Solidarity – We share interests and common purposes with our members and other co-operatives.

Our Partners

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Worldwide Network

We understand that we аrе ореrаtіng in a dynamic environment аnd hаvе evolved our strategy tо maximize the opportunity іn аn іnсrеаѕіnglу digital global world. Wіth our full wоrldwіdе network, wе are еvоlvіng tо mееt thе changing nееdѕ оf millions of сuѕtоmеrѕ асrоѕѕ different borders.